Selected CAMM project publications
Real-time modeling of hypoplastic left heart syndrome
T.A. Driscoll, G. Schleiniger, Lei Chen, M. A. McCulloch (Nemours/AI duPont)
- [Video] A model for hypoplastic left heart syndrome, Toby Driscoll
Mathematical modeling of the tear film dynamics
R.J. Braun, T.A. Driscoll, Rayanne Luke, M.R. Stapf, Lan Zhong, A. Janett, S.R. Walker, J.K. Brosch, P.E. King-Smith (OSU), C.G. Begley (IU), K.L. Maki (RIT), Longfei Li (Louisiana U at Lafayette), W. Henshaw (RPI), Jeff Banks (RPI), Ziwei Wu (New England College of Optometry
- [Poster] Rayanne Luke's ARVO 2019 poster,
- [Poster] Tear film interaction with corneal epithelial cells, Richard Braun's poster
- [Video] Tear film interaction with corneal epithelial cells, Spencer Walker
- [Video] Tear film dynamics on a simplified blinking domain, Joe Brosch
- [Video] Lipid layer blobs and tear film breakup: fluid dynamics, Lan Zhong
- [Video] Tear film breakup and corneal surface roughness, Amy Janett
- [Review] "Dynamics of the Tear Film," R.J. Braun, Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics, 44:267-297, 2012.
- [Review] "Dynamics and Function of the Tear Film in Relation to the Blink Cycle," R.J. Braun, P.E. King-Smith, C.G. Begley, Longfei Li and N.R. Gewecke, Progress in Retinal and Eye Research, 45:132-164, 2015.
- [Review] "Mechanisms, Imaging and Structure of Tear Film Breakup," P.E. King-Smith, C.G. Begley and R.J. Braun, The Ocular Surface, 16:4-30, 2018.
- [Research] "Blink characterization using curve fitting and clustering algorithms," J.K. Brosch, Z. Wu, C.G. Begley, T.A. Driscoll and R.J. Braun, Journal for Modeling in Opthalmology, 3:60-81, 2017.
- [Research] "Simulation of parabolic flow on an eye-shaped domain with moving boundary," T.A. Driscoll, R.J. Braun and J.K. Brosch, Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 111:111-126, 2018.
- [Research] "Computed Tear Film and Osmolarity Dynamics on an Eye-Shaped Domain," Longfei Li, R.J. Braun, T.A. Driscoll, W.D. Henshaw, J.W. Banks and P.E. King-Smith, Mathematical Medicine and Biology, 33:123-157, 2016.
- [Research] "The Effects of Increasing Ocular Surface Stimulation on Blinking and Tear Secretion," Ziwei Wu, C.G. Begley, N. Port, A. Bradley, R.J. Braun and P.E. King-Smith, Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 56:4211-4220, 2015.
- [Research] "Heat transfer and tear film dynamics over multiple blink cycles," Quan Deng, R.J. Braun and T.A. Driscoll, Physics of Fluids, 26:071901, 2014.
- [Research] "A Model Problem for the Tear Film and Ocular Surface Temperature for Partial Blinks," Quan Deng, R.J. Braun, T.A. Driscoll and P.E. King-Smith, Interfacial Phenomena and Heat Transfer, 1:357-381, 2013.
- [Research] "A Model for Tear Film Thinning with Osmolarity and Fluorescein," R.J. Braun, N.R. Gewecke, C.G. Begley, P.E. King-Smith and J.I. Siddique, Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 55:1133–1142, 2014.
- [Research] "On Tear Film Breakup (TBU): Dynamics and Imaging," R.J. Braun, T.A. Driscoll, C.G. Begley, P.E. King-Smith, and J.I. Siddique, Mathematical Medicine and Biology, 35:145-180, 2018.
- [Research] "Duplex Tear Film Evaporation Analysis," M.R. Stapf, R.J. Braun and P.E. King-Smith, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 79:2814-28460, 2017.
- [Research] "Mathematical modelling of glob-driven tear film breakup," Lan Zhong, C.F. Ketelaar, R.J. Braun, C.G. Begley and P.E. King-Smith, Mathematical Medicine and Biology, appeared online, 2018.
- [Research] "Dynamics of fluorescent imaging in glob-driven breakup ," Lan Zhong, R.J. Braun, P.E. King-Smith and C.G. Begley, Journal for Modeling in Opthalmology, 2:24-28, 2018.
- [Research] "Computed flow and fluorescence over the ocular surface," Longfei Li, R.J. Braun, W.D. Henshaw and P. E. King-Smith, Mathematical Medicine and Biology, 35(suppl_1):51-85, 2018.
- [Research] "Evaporation-Driven Instability of the Precorneal Tear Film," C.-C. Peng, C. Cerretani, R.J. Braun and C.J. Radke, Adv. Coll. Interface Sci., 206:250-264, 2014.
- [Research] "Tear Film Dynamics with Evaporation, Osmolarity and Surfactant Transport," J. Siddique and R.J. Braun, Applied Mathematical Modeling, 39:255-269, 2015.
- [Research] "Tear Film Breakup and Structure Studied by Simultaneous Video Recording of Fluorescence and Tear Film Lipid Layer, TFLL, Images," P.E. King-Smith, K.S. Reuter, R.J. Braun, J.J. Nichols and K.K. Nichols, Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 54:4900-4909, 2013.
- [Research] "Tear Film Images and Breakup Analyzed Using Fluorescent Quenching," P.E. King-Smith, P. Ramamoorthy, R.J. Braun and J.J. Nichols, Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 54:6003-6011, 2013.
Mathematical Modeling of Colon Cancer Development
Bruce Boman, Brooks Emerick and Gilberto Schleiniger
(MM indicates mathematical modeling, TB indicates tumor biology.)
- [MM Research] "Multi-scale modeling of APC and β-catenin regulation in the human colonic crypt," Journal of Mathematical Biology 76:1797–1830, 2018.
- [MM Research] "Why do Fibonacci Numbers Appear in Patterns of Growth in Nature? A Model for Tissue Renewal Based on Asymmetric Cell Division," Bruce M. Boman, Thien-Nam Dinh, Keith Decker, Brooks Emerick, Christopher Raymond, and Gilberto Schleiniger, Fibonacci Quarterly, 55:30-41, 2017.
- [MM Research] "A kinetic model to study the regulation of beta-catenin, APC, and Axin in the human colonic crypt," B. Emerick, G. Schleiniger and B.M. Boman, Journal of Mathematical Biology 75:1171–1202, 2017.
- [MM Research] "Computer modeling implicates stem cell overproduction in colon cancer initiation," B.M. Boman, J.Z. Fields, O. Bonham-Carter, O. Runquist, Cancer Research 61:8408-8411, 2001.
- [MM Research] "Symmetric division of cancer stem cells – a key mechanism in tumor growth that should be targeted in future therapeutic approaches," B.M. Boman, M. Wicha, J.Z. Fields and O. Runquist, Clin. Pharm. Therap. 81:893-8, 2007.
- [MM Research] "How dysregulated colonic crypt dynamics cause stem cell overpopulation and initiate colon cancer," B.M. Boman, J.Z. Fields, K.L. Cavanaugh, A. Gujetter and O. Runquist, Cancer Research 6:3304-3313, 2008.
- [MM Research] "An APC:WNT counter-current-like mechanism regulates cell division along the colonic crypt axis: a mechanism that explains how APC mutations induce proliferative abnormalities that drive colon cancer development," B.M. Boman and J.Z. Fields, Frontiers in Oncology 3:244, November 7, 2013.
- [MM Research] Discovery of power-law growth in the self-renewal of heterogeneous glioma stem cell populations," M. Sugimori, Y. Hayakawa, B.M. Boman, J.Z. Fields, M. Awaji, H. Kozano, R. Tamura, S. Yamamoto, T. Ogata, M. Yamada, S. Endo, M. Kurimoto and S. Kuroda, PLoS One 10(8):e0135760
- [TB Research] "Evidence that APC regulates Survivin expression: A possible mechanism contributing to the stem cell origin of colon cancer," T. Zhang, T. Otevrel, Z.Q. Gao, Z.P. Gao, S.M. Ehrlich, J.Z. Fields and B.M. Boman, Cancer Research 61: 8664-7, 2001.
- [TB Research] "Colonic crypt changes during adenoma development in FAP: Immunohistochemical evidence for expansion of the crypt base cell population," B.M. Boman, R. Walters, J.Z. Fields, A.J. Kovatich, T. Zhang, G.A. Isenberg, S.D. Goldstein and J.P. Palazzo, American Journal of Pathology 165:1489-1498, 2004.
- [TB Research] "Cancer stem cells: A step toward the cure," B.M. Boman and M.S. Wicha, Journal of Clinical Oncology 26:2795-2799, 2008.
- [TB Research] "Human colon cancer stem cells: A new paradigm in GI oncology," B.M. Boman and E.H. Huang, Journal of Clinical Oncology 26:2828-38, 2008.
- [TB Research] "ALDH1 is a marker for normal and malignant human colonic stem cells and tracks stem cell overpopulation during colon tumorigenesis," E.H. Huang, M.J. Hynes, T. Zhang, C. Ginestier, G. Dontu, H. Appelman, J.Z. Fields, M.S. Wicha and B.M. Boman. Cancer Research 69:3382-3389, 2009.
- [TB Research] "Survivin-induced Aurora-B kinase activation - A mechanism by which APC mutations contribute to colon cancer development," T. Zhang, J.Z. Fields, T. Otevrel, E. Masuda, J.P. Palazzo, G.A. Isenberg, S.D. Goldstein, M. Brandt and B.M. Boman, American Journal of Pathology 177:2816-2826, 2010.
- [TB Research] "HOX genes and their role in the development of human cancers," S. Bhatlekar, J.Z. Fields and B.M. Boman, Journal of Molecular Medicine 92:811-23, 2014.
- [TB Research] "The miRNA23b-regulated signaling network as a key to cancer development – implications for translational research and therapeutics," V. Viswanathan, J.Z. Fields and B.M. Boman, Journal of Molecular Medicine 92:1129-1138, 2014.
- [TB Research] "Identification of a developmental gene expression signature, including HOX genes, for the normal human colonic crypt stem cell niche – Overexpression of the signature parallels stem cell overpopulation during colon tumorigenesis," S. Bhatlekar, S. Addya, M. Salunek, C. Orr, S. Surrey, S. McKenzie, J.Z. Fields and B.M. Boman, Stem Cells Dev 23:167-79, 2014.
- [TB Research] "Interdependence of DNA mismatch repair proteins MLH1 and MSH2 in apoptosis in human colorectal carcinoma cell lines," S. Hassen, A.A. Ali, S.P. Kilaparty, Q.A. Al-Anbaky, W. Majeed, B.M. Boman, J.Z. Fields and N. Ali, Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry 412:297-305, 2016.
- [TB Research] S.R. Modarai, L.M. Opdenaker, V. Viswanathan and B.M. Boman, "Somatostatin Signaling via SSTR1 Contributes to the Quiescence of Colon Cancer Stem Cells," BMC Cancer 16:941, 2016.
- [TB Research] "The proportion of ALDEFLUOR-positive cancer stem cells changes with cell culture density due to the expression of different ALDH isoforms," L.M. Opdenaker, S.R. Modarai and B.M. Boman, Cancer Stud Mol Med 2:87-95, 2016.
- [TB Research] "Aberrant proliferation in serrated polyps and adjacent mucosa suggests a field effect phenomenon in polyp progression," D. Fortuna, B.M. Boman and J.P. Palazzo, Human Patholology, under editorial revision for publication, 2017.
- [TB Research] "A unique miRNA expression signature for the human colonic stem cell niche distinguishes malignant and normal epithelium – Discovery of miRNA23b as a regulator of colonic stem cells," V. Viswanathan, S. Damle, T. Zhang, L.M. Opdenaker, S. Modarai, M. Accerbi, S. Schmidt, P. Green, J.P. Palazzo, J.Z. Fields, S. Haghighat, I. Rigoutsos, G. Gonye and B.M. Boman, Cancer Research, under editorial revision for publication, 2017.
Modeling of vulnerable plaques in heart disease
P.-W. Fok
- [Research] " Nonlinear Tubular Organ Modeling and Analysis for Tracheal Angioedema by Swelling-Morphoelasticity," P.-W. Fok, Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 112(1):95-117,2018.
- [Research] " Multi-Layer Mechanical Model of Glagov Remodeling in Coronary Arteries: Differences between In-Vivo and Ex-Vivo Measurements," P.-W. Fok, PLoS ONE, 11(7): e0159304, 2016.
- [Research] " A Biochemical and Mechanical Model of Injury-Induced Intimal Thickening," P.-W. Fok and R. Sanft, Mathematical Medicine and Biology, 34(1):77-108, 2017.
- [Research] " Simulation of a pulsatile non-Newtonian flow past a stenosed 2D artery with atherosclerosis," F.-B. Tian, L. Zhu, P.-W. Fok and X.-Y. Lu, Computers in Biology and Medicine, 43:109-113, 2013.
- [Research] " Mathematical model of intimal thickening in atherosclerosis: Vessel stenosis as a free boundary problem," P.-W. Fok, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 314:23-33, 2012.
- [Research] " Growth of necrotic cores in atherosclerotic plaque," P.-W. Fok, Mathematical Medicine and Biology, 29(4):301-327, 2012.
Modeling of Cancellous Bone and Osteoporosis
Miao-Jung Yvonne Ou
- Book Chapter: "Mathematical quantification of the impact of microstructure on the various effective properties of bones," M.-J. Yvonne Ou, to appear in Encyclopedia of Biomedical Engineering (Elsevier, Amsterdam), 2017.
- [Research] "Mathematical model for bone mineralization," S.V. Komarova, L. Safranek, J. Gopalakrishnan, M.-J. Yvonne Ou, M.D. McKee, M. Murshed, F. Rauch and E. Zuhr, Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 3(51), 2015
- [Research] "Time-harmonic analytic solution for an acoustic plane wave scattering off an isotropic poroelastic cylinder: convergence and form function," M.-J. Yvonne Ou and G. Lemoine, Journal of Computational Acoustics, 23:1550017, 2015.
- [Research] "On reconstruction of dynamic permeability and tortuosity from data at distinct frequencies," M.-J. Yvonne Ou, Inverse Problems, 30:095002, 2014.
- [Research] "Finite Volume modeling of poroelastic-fluid wave propagation with mapped grids," G. Lemoine and M.-J. Yvonne Ou, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 36(3):B396-426, 2014.
- [Research] "The kinetics of vitamin D3 in the osteoblastic cell," J.L. Buchanan, R.P. Gilbert, Y. Ou, A. Nohe, and R. Schaefer, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 75(9):1612-35, 2013.
- [Research] "Lamb waves in a poroelastic plate," R. Gilbert, Doo-Sung Lee, M.-J. Yvonne Ou, Journal of Computational Acoustics, 21:1350001, 2013.
- [Research] "High-Resolution Finite Volume Modeling of Wave Propagation in Orthotropic Poroelastic Media," Y. Ou, G. Lemoine and R.J. LeVeque, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 35(1):B176-206, 2013.
- [Research] "On reconstruction of dynamic permeability and tortuosity from data at distinct frequencies," Y. Ou, Inverse Problems, 30(9):095002, 2014.
- [Research] "On the reconstruction of dynamic permeability of cancellous bones," M.-J. Yvonne Ou, R. Tsai and Seong Jun Kim, in Proceedings of the 5th BIOT Conference on Poromechanics, 2013.
- [Research] "A Quantitative Ultrasound Model of Bone with Blood as the Interstitial Fluid," R.P Gilbert, P. Guyenne and M.-J. Yvonne Ou, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 55(9-10):2029–2039, 2012.
- [Research] "Two-parameter integral representation formula for the effective elastic moduli of two-phase composites," M.-J. Yvonne Ou, Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations, 57(2-4):411-424, 2012.
- [Research] "Transfer functions for a one-dimensional fluid-poroelastic system subject to an ultrasonic pulse," J. Buchanan, R. Gilbert, M.-J. Yvonne Ou, Nonlinear analysis: Real World Applications, 13(3):1030-1043, 2012
Using Optical Bionsensors to Estimate Rate Constants
David A. Edwards, Ryan Evans, Matthew Zumbrum
- [Research] " Transport Effects on Surface Reaction Arrays: Biosensor Applications ," D. A. Edwards Mathematical Biosciences, 230:12-22, 2011.
- [Research] " Multiple Surface Reactions in Arrays with Applications to Optical Biosensors," M.E. Zumbrum and D.A. Edwards, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 76:1783-1808, 2014.
- [Research] " Conformal Mapping in Optical Biosensor Applications," M.E. Zumbrum and D.A. Edwards, Journal of Mathematical Biology, 71:533-550, 2015.
Modeling of connections between associated diseases
S. Cioabă, W.A. Weintraub (MedStar, Georgetown)
More information can be found at Prof. Cioaba's research page.